Convert Text to HTML Unicode format , here this is best online tools for unicode encode & decode.

Here is Best HTML Unicode format converter Online Tool, You can easily convert text to HTML format and HTML Unicode to Text format.

Convert Text to HTML Unicode Format

Enter text in below textbox.

Unicode Format Converted

Convert HTML Unicode to Text format in this online Tool

HTML Unicode Format to Text converter

Text Format Converted

Let's see below how HTML Unicode works in HTML file.

Here live demo of HTML unicode in html file with their output. You can learn how to HTML unicode work in html file in below live demo . HTML Unicode converter & live demo of unicode in html file

Trick and tips: You can hide code using this tools for that convert code into HTML unicode formart and use it your HTML code format code will properly work in webpage.

What is HTML Unicode?

HTML Unicode is a way of representing special characters and symbols in HTML using Unicode values. Unicode is a standard character encoding system that assigns a unique number to every character and symbol in every language in the world. HTML Unicode allows you to display these characters and symbols in your HTML documents.

Unicode encodes thousands of emoji, numerals, punctuation, and other symbols, and defines three encodings: UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 1. UTF-8 is the most commonly used encoding and is compatible with ASCII number.

For example, the code format you provided, ॐ, represents a Unicode character with the decimal value of 2384. This character can be displayed in an HTML document using the following code: ॐ.

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